Dudley Young Health Champions
Become a DYHC
6 Week Training Programme:
- Week 1: What is a DYHC?
- Week 2: Safeguarding, Signposting and being a role model
- Week 3: Qualities in a team & Project planning
- Weeks 4 & 5: Independent project creation
- Week 6: Project presentation and celebration
The Health Wheel
One of the first projects completed by our health champions was the creation of the health wheel.
While completing their DYHC training, students at Beacon Hill Academy identified that health covers a wide range of topics, each as important as the other. They felt that it would be easier to communicate and for others to understand these topics through a visual aid. As part of their project work they created the health wheel. Each section of the wheel can be easily recognised through bright colours and helps other young people understand the importance of looking after our health.

Project idea by DYHC
Project idea by DYHC
One highlight has been a project at Pegasus Academy that focused on isolation and loneliness. Our DYHC’s had noticed that several pupils seem to spend their breaktimes and lunchtimes alone and so the Lunch Lounge was born, a place to make new friends, connect with others, learn a news skill and grab a quick drink and a snack.
Posters have been designed, alongside a power point presentation, highlighting the benefits of connection and friendship. The Pegasus cohort of DYHC’s set about learning how to do some basic craft and each of them now know how to make a mobile phone charm, a key charm, a football themed charm or a bracelet.