Lighthouse Counselling Centre

Lighthouse Counselling Centre, 24-26 Salop Street, Dy1 3AT
Near Dudley community Church
Phone: 01384239222

You may be struggling with or feeling overwhelmed by issues in your life. Counselling can offer you the space and freedom to focus on your needs in a supportive environment. Working through concerns can help empower you to find more effective ways of managing. It can offer you new clarity, providing resolution or solutions to difficulties.

Lighthouse Counselling offers help and support services to the residents of the Dudley and surrounding Boroughs.

Lighthouse Counselling is able to run by the support of a number of compassionate, professional and experienced volunteer counsellors, support workers and staff. It offers a non-judgemental service to everyone. It is our aim to help people overcome difficulties; and work through the issues that affect them, in the hope that this will give them a more positive future.

All of our counsellors adhere to the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP) Code of Ethical Conduct.

We can support you with the following areas:
-Relationship counselling
-Youth therapy
-Play therapy
-Bereavement therapy
-Managing anger
-Addiction support
-Family support

Our Facilities are wheelchair-accessible and everyone is welcome.

Information sourced from

Age Range:
  • 0 - 5
  • 6 - 10
  • 11 - 17
  • 18 - 24

Wheelchair accessible facilities, building and carpark
The team have completed deaf awareness training
Quiet spaces available

Please complete a referral online.
This can be done either by yourself, your GP, a social worker, a statutory body or a member of your family.

Key Contact: Lizzie Hayes - Centre Manager